A. Kawauchi, Component-Conservative Invertibility of Links and Samsara 4-Manifolds on 3-Manifolds, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 86-106.
F.S. Al Sarari, S. Latha, A Note on Symmetrical Functions Defined by a Differential Operator, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 107-115.
A. Chahbi, S. Kabbaj, Linear Maps Preserving Essentially Numerical Range and Essentially Unitary Operator, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 116-126.
A.S. Saluja, D. Magarde, P.K. Jhade, Fixed Point of Fuzzy Mappings in Hilbert Spaces, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 127-133.
G. Singh, G. Singh, Estimate of Second Hankel Determinant for a Subclass of Analytic Functions with Respect to Symmetric Points, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 134-140.
S. Sriram, D. Ranganayakulu, I. Venkat, K.G. Subramanian, Eccentric Digraphs of Trees, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 141-149.
H.S. Özarslan, On Generalized Absolute Matrix Summability, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 150-156.
F.S. Al Sarari, S. Latha, Certain Results on (2j, k)-Symmetric Points, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 157-163.
R.S. Solai, G-Compactness Like Properties in Generalized Topological Spaces, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 164-175.
M. Boujeddaine, R. Daher, M. El Hamma, Sobolev Spaces for the Dunkl Operator on The Real Line, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 176-181.
M. Vijayashree, R. Uthayakumar, A Two Stage Supply Chain Model with Selling Price Dependent Demand and Investment for Quality Improvement, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 182-196.
M. Palanivel, R. Uthayakumar, A Production-Inventory Model with Variable Production Cost and Probabilistic Deterioration, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 197-212.
S.S. Varma, T. Rosy, Region of Variability of Subclasses of Univalent Functions, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 213-224.
R. Ezhilarasi, T.V. Sudharsan, A Subclass of Harmonic Univalent Functions Defined by an Integral Operator, Asia Pac. J. Math., 1 (2014), 225-236.