Sahsene Altinkaya and Sibel Yalcin, Estimates on Coefficients of a General Subclass of Bi-Univalent Functions Associated with Symmetric q-Derivative Operator by Means of the Chebyshev Polynomials, Asia Pac. J. Math., 4 (2017), 90-99.
B. Kamaraj and R. Vasuki, Some Oscillation Results for Second Order Difference Equation with a Sublinear Neutral Term, Asia Pac. J. Math., 4 (2017), 100-109.
Mohamed El Hamma and Radouan Daher, Generalization of Titchmarsh’s Theorem for the Fourier Transform, Asia Pac. J. Math., 4 (2017), 110-115.
Veena Mathad, Ali Mohammed Sahal and Vasundhara R.C., The Eccentric Weight of Graphs, Asia Pac. J. Math., 4 (2017), 116-121.
M. I. Qureshi, Deepak Kumar Kabra and Shabana Khan, Some Linear Generating Relations Associated with Even and Odd Degree Polynomials of Lagrange and Subuhi, Asia Pac. J. Math., 4 (2017), 122-136.
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M. Murali Krishna Rao, B. Venkateswarlu and Noorbhasha Rafi, Left Bi-Quasi Ideals of Γ−Semirings, Asia Pac. J. Math., 4 (2017), 144-153.
M. I. Qureshi, Saima Jabee and Sulakshana Bajaj, Some Summation Theorems for Clausen’s Terminating Hypergeometric Series, Asia Pac. J. Math., 4 (2017), 154-158.
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